
Size A4 paper robots cold soon move aside cars

Small robots with the size of A4 paper sheet could soon move aside cars that are parked in a wrong place. Machine, named ' Avert ', can quietly and carefully raise cars weighing up to two tons.

Autonomous Vehicle Emergency Recovery Tool '(AVERT) system is much smaller than the' 'spider' ', but is just as effective, according to' 'RT'(Russia Today) '. The system, which is a project of the Greek Democritus University, includes solid and carefully engineered robots that can operate together. First the two robots catch the wheel, and when the tires are 'secured', the robots lift the vehicle off the ground so they can carry him elswhere.

 ' Avert ' robots operate on the principle that you first explore the surrounding area, plan your route and find a way to avoid the obstacles that stands in their way. The robots are equipped with sensors, a digital camera and two lasers.
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