
Educate Your Kids in Playful & Fun Ways - Playing & Learning – Educational Games

For some reason, educational games are getting popularity among people with smartphones, no matter their age. If you’re using educational games as a part of an intentionally-designed, open-ended, or even self-directed learning experience, then you must know how hard it is to find a game that offers exciting and cool gameplay while helping you learn. We did our research and we found for you the game you need to download. Let’s discuss about the game.
What is Playing & Learning – Educational Games?

The Playing & Learning app is created as fun educational game and developed for android users that need help to easily educate themselves while boosting their brains and having fun playing interesting adventures. This learning game is suitable for any age, allowing users to challenging themselves in different playful and fun ways while getting their thinking skills on the next level. On the app, users are enjoying many amazing and carefully designed features, high-quality design, goofy animations and user-friendly environment. 

Standout Features

Manu offers of fun and exciting adventure gameplay is offered on this learning app followed by cool sounds and adorable animal character that are helping users to learn easier. The users can challenge their brains in 8 levels with different environments as the barn, the jungle, the park, the road, the sky, the steppe, and the Theatre. The app is available in 12 different languages. On the gameplay, users need to locate an object or animal because the app features 3 objects that will pop up for locating. On the last level of the game, the user has to refresh his memory to get his achievements and earns a twinkling star for each correct answer. As more stars the user gets, more of them will be shown above the dancing animals at the end of the level. Intuitive IU, adorable animal character, cool sound effects, many educational tests and achievements, and other features are helping the user to educate himself faster.

Download the game now on Google Play for free.

Google Play Download Link: Playing & Learning – Educational Games

Originally posted on Tehnico 
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