
it is a time to show some strategy with Mystic MAZE game

As summer moves in, why not you prepare to while away a sunny day in the park with a puzzle or two, with this in mind, we have been keeping an eye out for the best ways to keep our brains occupied under the sun. Let us dive into this review for game, Mystic MAZE.

What is Mystic MAZE?

Mystic MAZE is the new and beautifully design that takes you to the twisting maze in which a baby dragon is, trapped. The baby dragon is now trying to find a way out of this maze to meet his family as they are waiting for that dragon. Now you have the full control over this dragon to let him leave this maze and meet with his family. There are many challenging paths and situation waiting your way in this maze, so be prepare you mind for them. Be the conquer of this maze and let this baby dragon meet his beloved ones.

Engaging Features

· It brings you amazingly crafted maze with beautiful colors

· It features 3D graphics

· The baby dragon has skills like flying and swimming

· There are many different scenarios in the game.

· The game offers various levels of confusing maze

· Easy controllable joystick pad

· Many Rotating Roundabouts in Maze

So what else you need? This one is probably the best pick for your Android device and you can install it free from the link present at the end of this helping review.

Google Play Download Link:  Mystic MAZE 
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