
Practice for Your OSCE exam with the OSCE PASS App

Since memorization has traditionally been a huge part of medical school, smartphones and tablets have already come to play a huge role in modern medical treatment, allowing instant access to accurate data, calculations, and references. Yes, the smartphone is an indispensable part of modern medicine. Also, there are apps that can help you study and practice for your medical exams.

If you want to pass your OSCE exams, you have to practice. But can you do it on the go? Wherever you are, whenever you want? Of course you can, because the iOS platform has welcomed one of the best medical apps this year – OSCE PASS.

The OSCE PASS app is a user friendly, neatly designed medical revision trainer that provides with all the resources you require for passing your clinical skills exam. It features perfectly chosen medical sections, more than 20 written examination and procedure guides, interactive video demonstrations, timed exams, tailored feedback and much more.

The app is currently available on the App Store and it’s coming soon on the Google Play Store as well. You can download it for only $2.99 by clicking the links below.

App Store Download Link: OSCE PASS

Official Website: OSCE PASS
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